Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Top Five Sources of News and Information

As a Gen Z student, I’m constantly consuming information from multiple sources at all times. In this blog, I’ll be discussing my top five sources of news and information and why I’m so fond of them. As you’ll see in this post, I rely on different platforms for different types of information, ranging from academic research and entertainment to personal wellness.

Tik Tok 

As someone constantly seeking self-improvement, I’ve found that learning from others in quick, straightforward ways is incredibly effective for me, and that is why I’m such a fan of TikTok. Hearing people share their stories and experiences is inspiring. Through their stories, I’ve picked up some great habits along the way. For instance, I discovered a study technique that involves working in 25-minute increments with 5-minute breaks, which has significantly boosted my productivity. I’ve also learned proper exercise form and found healthy recipes that have become part of my routine.

Beyond self-improvement, TikTok has also become one of my go-to sources for news. I follow accounts like CNN and Yahoo News to stay updated on current events. While I’m aware that social media isn’t always the most reliable, I’ve still found TikTok to be an excellent resource for practical advice and ideas. Some of my best recipes and up-to-date knowledge have come from the platform.

Google Scholar   

I often rely on Google Scholar for my academic information because it provides a trustworthy collection of scholarly literature across various fields. Google Scholar’s focus on academic work ensures the credibility and relevance of the sources I find. It covers a wide range of topics, making it easy to explore new areas or find detailed information on specific subjects.

Another major advantage of Google Scholar, and why I would recommend it, is its citation feature. The platform provides ready-to-use citations in multiple formats, such as APA, MLA, and Chicago. This feature saves me valuable time, allowing me to focus more on my writing rather than formatting references.

Apple Podcasts

Out of all the information sources I rely on, Apple Podcasts probably brings me the most peace. There’s something uniquely comforting about being able to listen and learn while going about my day. I especially love wellness podcasts, and my top choice is the Mel Robbins Podcast. What sets her apart is her ability to share research-based insights in a way that’s both informative and entertaining. Whether she’s talking about overcoming anxiety, building better habits, or simply navigating life’s challenges, her advice always feels actionable and grounded in real science.

Another reason I’m so drawn to Apple Podcasts is due to its convenience. Unlike other forms of media that require my full attention, podcasts allow me to absorb valuable information while running errands, walking to class, or even just relaxing at home. It’s like having a personal mentor or coach in your ear, guiding you through whatever you’re dealing with at the moment. I highly recommend Apple Podcasts for anyone looking for motivation, practical tips, or trying to catch up on news or current events while going through their day.


Another form of media I rely on for information is Instagram. What makes Instagram unique is how customized it is to each user. I follow a variety of accounts that keep me informed on everything from news to niche interests, but the main way I use Instagram is to stay connected with friends and family. Being in college means I’m not always close to home, so it’s amazing to have a platform that lets me see what everyone is up to and interact with them no matter where I am.

While staying connected with friends and family is my primary use, Instagram’s ability to provide a personalized feed also keeps me informed on news and new hobbies. Whether it’s discovering new hobbies or getting a daily dose of inspiration, Instagram has become a versatile tool for staying informed and connected in a way that feels both personal and engaging.


is a tool I use daily for gathering information. What I love about Google is how it pulls together content from various platforms, like YouTube, to enhance whatever I’m researching. Whether I’m looking for articles, tutorials, or just exploring new topics, Google connects me with the most relevant resources across the web. The mix of visual content and written information is incredibly useful, especially when I need a clear understanding of a subject.

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